Canned Moment / 2019.12
Mobile Application, Web Design, Posters & Prints Design, Book Design

罐头时刻 / Canned Moment is a special branding project done in collaboration with Xinman Jiang (RISD GD'21). Instead of creating a branding for a company or a product, we branded the phrase "Canned Moment".

The phrase is defined by a Chinese blogger (weibo @数羊指南) which means "A well-preserved, never-expire moment that will be reminded by you over and over again in your life." The final outcomes are a memo app, an interactive website, two zines, posters and merchandises for an imaginary exhibition.

We start off by creating a memo app that makes intangible memories physical. The visual language we use is muted and blurry. Images are fuzzy and with no defined edge while other elements are minimal and clean. This style later becomes a system that applied to different mediums.

The website we design functions as a place for people to exchange their memories. We designed a vending machine that allow audiences to trade moments. This exchanging process lead us to the idea of creating an exhibition on collective memories of each city.

Following are posters and merchandises we designed for the exhibition. The poster are printed on acetate. We imagine it to be installed in outdoor, so the poster emerges with landscapes behind it. Merchandises include 2 zines talk about the definition of "Canned Moment", and trigger cards enclosed in a tin can.